A trait based offer order is a buy order. It can create an offer to all nft assets in a given nft collection. It is up to the nft owner to decide whether to accept or not.
Copy const emptyTokenId = web3.utils.toBN(0);
A collection based order offers to all the nft asset in the given nft collection. So the token id in maker order will be ignored. Here we just set it to zero.
Comparing with the replacementPattern in normal orders, here we need copy token id from sell order. So the replacementPattern buy should set the token id flag to 1
. Please find the implementation of generateBuyReplacementPatternForCollectionBasedOrder
and generateSellReplacementPatternForCollectionBasedOrder
in replacement pattern guide .
Copy const Web3 = require('web3');
const crypto = require('crypto');
const keccak256 = require('keccak256');
const { expectRevert, time, expectEvent } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers');
const nftOwner = accounts[1];
const buyer = accounts[2];
const sellerRelayerFeeRecipient = accounts[3];
const buyerRelayerFeeRecipient = accounts[4];
const niftyConnectExchangeInst = await NiftyConnectExchange.deployed();
const testERC721Inst = await TestERC721.deployed();
const tokenIdIdx1 = await testERC721Inst.tokenIdIdx();
await testERC721Inst.mint(nftOwner, {from: nftOwner});
const tokenIdIdx2 = await testERC721Inst.tokenIdIdx();
await testERC721Inst.mint(nftOwner, {from: nftOwner});
const emptyTokenId = web3.utils.toBN(0);
let buyReplacementPattern = generateBuyReplacementPatternForCollectionBasedOrder(false)
let latestBlock = await web3.eth.getBlock("latest");
let timestamp = latestBlock.timestamp;
let expireTime = web3.utils.toBN(timestamp).add(web3.utils.toBN(3600)); // expire at one hour later
let exchangePrice = web3.utils.toBN(1e18);
let salt = "0x"+crypto.randomBytes(32).toString("hex")
const makeOrdertx = await niftyConnectExchangeInst.makeOrder_(
NiftyConnectExchange.address, // exchange
buyer, // maker
"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", // taker
buyerRelayerFeeRecipient, // makerRelayerFeeRecipient
"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", // takerRelayerFeeRecipient
TestERC721.address, // nftAddress
"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", // staticTarget
TestERC20.address, // paymentToken
"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", // from
buyer // to
exchangePrice, // uint basePrice
web3.utils.toBN(0), // uint extra
timestamp, // uint listingTime
expireTime, // uint expirationTime
web3.utils.toBN(salt), // uint salt
ERC721TransferSelector, // uint merkleValidatorSelector
emptyTokenId, // uint tokenId
ERC721_AMOUNT, // uint amount
0, // uint totalLeaf
0, // side
0, // saleKind
buyReplacementPattern, // replacementPattern
[], // staticExtradata
], // merkleData
{from: buyer}
// Step 1: parse order calldata from event OrderApprovedPartTwo
const orderApprovedPartTwoEvent = expectEvent.inLogs(makeOrdertx.logs, 'OrderApprovedPartTwo');
const buyCalldata = orderApprovedPartTwoEvent.args.calldata;
const sellCalldata = await niftyConnectExchangeInst.buildCallData(
ERC721TransferSelector, // uint selector,
nftOwner, // address from,
buyer, // address to,
TestERC721.address,// address nftAddress,
tokenIdIdx1, // uint256 tokenId,
ERC721_AMOUNT,// uint256 amount,
"0x00", // bytes32 merkleRoot
[],// bytes32[] memory merkleProof
const sellReplacementPattern = generateSellReplacementPatternForCollectionBasedOrder(false)
await niftyConnectExchangeInst.takeOrder_(
[ // address[16] addrs,
NiftyConnectExchange.address, // exchange
buyer, // maker
"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", // taker
buyerRelayerFeeRecipient, // makerRelayerFeeRecipient
"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", // takerRelayerFeeRecipient
TestERC721.address, // nftAddress
"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", // staticTarget
TestERC20.address, // paymentToken
NiftyConnectExchange.address, // exchange
nftOwner, // maker
buyer, // taker
"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", // makerRelayerFeeRecipient
sellerRelayerFeeRecipient, // takerRelayerFeeRecipient
TestERC721.address, // nftAddress
"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", // staticTarget
TestERC20.address, // paymentToken
[ // uint[12] uints,
exchangePrice, // uint basePrice
web3.utils.toBN(0), // uint extra
timestamp, // uint listingTime
expireTime, // uint expirationTime
web3.utils.toBN(salt), // uint salt
emptyTokenId, // uint tokenId
exchangePrice, // uint basePrice
web3.utils.toBN(0), // uint extra
timestamp, // uint listingTime
expireTime, // uint expirationTime
web3.utils.toBN(salt), // uint salt
tokenIdIdx1, // uint tokenId
[ // uint8[4] sidesKindsHowToCalls,
0, 0,
1, 0
buyCalldata, // bytes calldataBuy,
sellCalldata, // bytes calldataSell,
buyReplacementPattern, // bytes replacementPatternBuy,
sellReplacementPattern, // bytes replacementPatternSell,
[],// bytes staticExtradataBuy,
[],// bytes staticExtradataSell,
"0x00",// bytes32 rssMetadata
{from: nftOwner}