Decentralized Order

Order Schema

    struct Order {
        address exchange;
        address maker;
        address taker;
        address makerRelayerFeeRecipient;
        address takerRelayerFeeRecipient;
        uint8 side;
        uint8 saleKind;
        address nftAddress;
        uint256 tokenId;
        bytes calldata;
        bytes replacementPattern;
        address staticTarget;
        bytes staticExtradata;
        address paymentToken;
        uint256 basePrice;
        uint256 extra;
        uint256 listingTime;
        uint256 expirationTime;
        uint256 salt;

All of the following fields must be present in an order. Some have special sentinel values.


Address of the NiftyConnectExchange contract. This is a versioning mechanism, ensuring that all signed orders are only valid for a particular deployed version of the Wyvern Protocol on a particular Ethereum chain.


Order maker (who may be buying or selling the contract call — the maker/taker differentiation is strictly a matter of fees).


Order taker, a specific address must take the order, otherwise the zero-address is a sentinel value to indicate that the order can be taken by anyone.


Maker relayer fee will be paid to makerRelayerFeeRecipient. These tools can facilitate users to make buy/sell orders, this address can be specified.


Taker relayer fee will be paid to takerProtocolFeeRecipient. These tools can facilitate users to take buy/sell orders, this address can be specified.


Side (0 buy/1 sell). Sell-side orders execute contract calls and receive tokens, buy-side orders purchase contract calls and pay tokens.


Kind of sale, 0 for FixedPrice and 1 for DutchAuction.


The nft asset contract address


The token id of a NFT asset


Order calldata is the abi encoding contract calldata to MerkleValidator which specifies how the nft assets will be transferred. MerkleValidator has implemented three methods to handle transferring ERC721 and ERC1155 assets: matchERC721UsingCriteria, matchERC721WithSafeTransferUsingCriteria and matchERC1155UsingCriteria.


Mask specifies which parts of the calldata can be changed, or an empty array for no replacement. Please refer to replacement pattern guide


Target for STATICCALL, or zero-address as a sentinel value to indicate no STATICCALL.


Extra data for STATICCALL (bytes).


Token used to pay for call, or the zero-address as a sentinel value for special-case unwrapped Ether.


Base price of the order, in units of the specified paymentToken.


Extra parameter for price calculation, specifying starting/ending price difference for Dutch auctions. Could be used to specify minimum bid for English auctions in the future should those be implemented.


Order listing Unix timestamp.


Order expiration Unix timestamp or 0 as a sentinel value for no expiry.


Order salt to distinguish otherwise-identical orders.


event OrderApprovedPartOne(
                            bytes32 indexed hash, 
                            address exchange, 
                            address indexed maker, 
                            address taker, 
                            address indexed makerRelayerFeeRecipient, 
                            uint8 side, 
                            uint8 saleKind, 
                            address nftAddress, 
                            uint256 tokenId, 
                            bytes32 ipfsHash);
event OrderApprovedPartTwo(
                            bytes32 indexed hash, 
                            bytes calldata, 
                            bytes replacementPattern, 
                            address staticTarget, 
                            bytes staticExtradata, 
                            address paymentToken, 
                            uint basePrice, 
                            uint extra, 
                            uint listingTime, 
                            uint expirationTime, 
                            uint salt);

In this protocol, only decentralized orders are supported. All order data can be parsed from the above two events: OrderApprovedPartOne and OrderApprovedPartTwo. Users can write an extra order message (such as personal contact information or the merkle proof of metadata for trait-based order) to IPFS and write the IPFS hash to ipfsHash in the event OrderApprovedPartOne.

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