uints[0]: BasePrice
uints[1]: EndPrice in the Dutch Auction
uints[2]: Order listing time
uints[3]: Order expire time
uints[4]: Salt, random number
uints[5]: NFT Transfer selector, refer to
uints[6]: NFT asset token id
uints[7]: For ERC721, the amount must be 1. For ERC1155, its value should be no more than the nftOwner balance
uints[8]: The nft array length, only useful in trait-based order, for others leave it to 0
Refer to
merkleData[0]: merkle root hash, only used in trait-based order, leave it to zero for other scenarios
merkleData[1]: ipfs hash which contain the metadata of merkle proof. Only used in trait-based order, leave it to empty for other scenarios
Refer to